Credit: Hotboxx

Q&A: Miami DJ, Hotboxx’s time at ADE

Welcome to our interview with Hotboxx, hailing from Miami, this DJ and producer continues to showcase his groovy and powerful sound with every release and each episode of his weekly radio show ‘All The Smoke’. In this conversation, we’ll dive into Hotboxx‘s recent experience at ADE 2023 and gain insights into his time at the event, his standout moments, and what’s on the horizon for him on his musical journey.

Hey Hotboxx, how’s it going?

Going well, thanks for having me on!

You attended ADE this year, can you tell us about it?

Yes I did, first time I got to go and it was an incredible experience, busy to say the least, but a lot of fun and very productive.

What was the vibe of the city like during the festival? Would you say there was a specific buzz during the festival?

Definitely high energy through the city.  Amsterdam is already such an active city and with this event going on it really kicked it into another gear. People were extremely kind and helpful throughout the city as well. As far as a buzz, I didn’t really get that but people were definitely on high energy vibes and were definitely excited for some much going on throughout the city.

What are a few of your standout moments of ADE this year?

I definitely got a lot out of the networking and seminar events throughout the day, I guess the knowledge and insight I was able to gain from this stood out to me.  I didn’t have one moment specifically that was an ‘aha-type’ moment but I had multiple pieces of knowledge that stood out to me and things that will help me throughout my career.

Which live shows did you attend?

I went to a few of the PIV party Wednesday night which was amazing. Thursday was the Cassian and Cube guys event which was amazing.  Friday was a busy one, I got to play a showcase for Move Ibiza radio at the Ruby Emma Hotel, which was a ton of fun and then I headed over to Mediahaven for the Jamie Jones Paradise Ibiza event which was a lot of fun, Saturday and Sunday I hopped around a bit, but ended up at Mediahaven both days, the last time for Music On and Mochakk to finish it off.

What did you hope to achieve this year at ADE? 

Make valuable connections, put a name to a face with people that I work with already via phone andthe internet, and of course, enjoy myself while networking with so many amazing people in the industry.

What do you think it is about ADE that makes it such an unmissable few days for Electronic Music enthusiasts?

I mean to me it really is the epitome of people who really love the scene gathering, networking, and partying. I am very familiar with WMC and MMW, as I am from Miami, and I just felt like this took it to the next level and people were there for that reason and that reason only.  It truly is an incredible event with amazing energy.

Do you find that attending ADE inspires you to create and collaborate?

Absolutely, I came back super inspired and have already started working on a bunch of new projects and music.

What was it like to perform at ADE? 

Very cool experience, mostly industry people there which was pretty awesome, and the fact that it was live-streamed, so many of my friends at home were able to tune in was dope.

Now that ADE is over, what’s next for Hotboxx?

A ton of new releases are on the way, at least one per month, coming out very soon is a collab with my boy Flynn Nolan, we’ll be releasing a groover now in December with Sirup. It’s got original vocals from yours truly as well so, it’s definitely a cool track that I think people will like.

Capping off our chat with Hotboxx, we thank him for his time sharing his experience at ADE 2023. With new insights, valuable connections, and fresh inspiration in tow, he’s set to bring even more electrifying music to the Electronic scene, keep an ear out for his upcoming releases and projects.

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